torticollis_exercises.pdf |
Videos & Online Resources
Infant massage
Face massage for helping infant facial muscles to relax. https://youtu.be/6qYlpVYrFoo Oral exercises for infants Great Positive oral stimulation video to encourage tongue mobility in infants. https://youtu.be/lqedjX6w5U0 Hand expression videos I've put more than one here because there are moms who might learn a technique and/or tips from one video and another mom who learns more from a different video. Feel free to watch them all and use what works best for you! This is the Thompson Breastfeeding Method which is a great video with basic latch and positioning info. (Posted on this page) https://youtu.be/c85hUOwgz64 Unicef UK Baby Friendly Initiative: Hand expression (seen to the right here) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0zVCwdJZw0 Stanford medicine tutorial on hand expression -http://newborns.stanford.edu/Breastfeeding/HandExpression.html The Basics of Breast Massage and Hand Expression (by Maya Bolman, IBCLC and Ann Witt, MD, FABM, IBCLC) - https://vimeo.com/65196007 Great website from Great Britain LLL: https://www.laleche.org.uk/hand-expression-of-breastmilk/ |
Nipple shield use
Here’s a good video showing how to apply a nipple shield properly. It can make a big difference doing it this way vs just putting it on top. |
Home exercises you can do with your infant to help with torticollis. These have been provided by Melita Hatton (Osteopathic Practicitioner in North Vancouver).
Reputable Online Resources
Dr Jack Newman - anything and everything about breastfeeding and lactation - www.breastfeeding.ca
Kelly Mom - website with anything and everything to do parenting & breastfeeding, etc - www.kellymom.com
Dr Ghaheri - anything to do with tongue/lip ties and breastfeeding - www.drghaheri.com
Stanford Breastfeeding Resources for professionals - http://med.stanford.edu/newborns/professional-education/breastfeeding.html
Healthy Families BC - great resource for anything to do with families, children, etc. - www.healthyfamiliesbc.ca
La Leche League International - www.llli.org
Kelly Mom - website with anything and everything to do parenting & breastfeeding, etc - www.kellymom.com
Dr Ghaheri - anything to do with tongue/lip ties and breastfeeding - www.drghaheri.com
Stanford Breastfeeding Resources for professionals - http://med.stanford.edu/newborns/professional-education/breastfeeding.html
Healthy Families BC - great resource for anything to do with families, children, etc. - www.healthyfamiliesbc.ca
La Leche League International - www.llli.org